Refereed Publications (7) Returns to Labor Mobility (w/ Lars Ljungqvist & Thomas Sargent) The Economic Journal (June, 2024) PaperAppendix Reliance on firm size dynamics and shocks intermediated through neoclassical production functions yields large returns to labor mobility that are robust to parameter perturbations, while the reliance on labor economics statistics to calibrate per-worker productivity processes can give rise to fragilities.
(4) Mismatch Cycles (with Ana Figueiredo&Robert Ulbricht) Journal of Political Economy (Vol. 130, No. 11, November 2022) PaperAppendixBlog During recessions, highly mismatched jobs are destroyed but also created. An equilibrium model of the labor market with directed search, multidimensional sorting, learning about skills, and aggregate shocks accounts for the cyclical dynamics of skill mismatch and occupational switching in the US.
(3) Aggregate Dynamics in Lumpy Economies (w/ Andrés Blanco) Econometrica (Vol. 89, No. 3, May 2021) Paper Appendix Online Appendix When agents make lumpy choices (investment, price-setting…), we show that two steady-state statistics, easily computed with microdata, predict how the economy responds to macro shocks and inform the size of adjustment frictions.
(1) Firm Uncertainty Cycles and the Propagation of Nominal Shocks (with Andrés Blanco) American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics (Vol. 11, No. 1, Jan 2019) Paper Appendix Firm idiosyncratic uncertainty is a key determinant of micro pricing behavior and aggregate price flexibility. Working Papers (8) The Macroeconomics of Irreversibility (w/ Andrés Blanco) Paper AppendixCEPR We investigate the macroeconomic effects of partially irreversible investment arising from a wedge between the buying and selling price of capital and apply the theory to study corporate tax reforms. Corporate income tax cuts improve the allocation of capital, decrease aggregate Tobin's q, and slow down capital fluctuations. ERC Grant MacroTaxReforms.
(9) Lumpy Forecasts (with Javier Turén) Paper We document that professional forecasters adjust their inflation forecast in a lumpy way—periods of inaction followed by large adjustments. Using a fixed-event forecasting framework, we assess the learning speed and the effect of the consensus forecast and individual beliefs on forecast revisions’ extensive and intensive margins of forecast revisions.
(10) Self-Insurance in Turbulent Labor Markets (with Ana Figueiredo, Cristiano Mantovani, and Alireza Sepahsalari) Paper We investigate the consequences of skill obsolescence on labor market outcomes when workers self-insure in the presence of imperfect financial markets and search frictions.
Work in Progress
Monetary Policy and Corporate Tax Reforms (w/ Andrés Blanco, Erin Markiewitz, and Nicolás Oviedo) Paper Monetary policy rate increases following "long-run motivated" corporate income tax cuts. ERC Grant MacroTaxReforms.
Corporate Taxes and Macroeconomic Dynamics (w/ Andrés Blanco) We study how corporate taxation interacts with two investment frictions: fixed capital adjustment costs and partial irreversibility. ERC Grant MacroTaxReforms. SS for SS: State-Space Methods for Lumpy Economies(w/ Miguel Bandeira and Laura Castillo-Martínez) We introduces a general statistical framework to study aggregate shock propagation in a dynamic (S,s) economy, enablingresearchers to combine micro and macro data to estimate parameters, cross-sectional distributions of latent states over time, impulse responses to aggregate shocks, and forecast any function of the cross-sectional distribution of lumpy variables.
The Partial Data Barter Trades of the Digital Economy Brooking Article
Dormant projects Policy Uncertainty and Sovereign Bond Markets (with Felix Matthys) Government bond yields are affected differentially by global and country-specific policy uncertainty factors.
Baley (2009) El Registro de Garantías Mobiliarias y su Impacto en el Mercado de Crédito Garantizado, Tesis de Licenciatura, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México TextoSlides