slides Burkart and Ellingsen (2004)"In-Kind Finance: A Theory of Trade Credit"
slides Alvarez, Lippi and Paciello (2010)"Optimal Price Setting with Observation and Menu Costs"
slidesCogley and Sbordone (2008)"Trend Inflation, Indexation, and Inflation Persistence in the NKPC"
notesMoll (2010) "Productivity Losses from Financial Frictions"
notesKacperczyk, Van Nieuwerburgh and Veldkamp (2011)"Rational Attention Allocation Over the Business Cycle"
notesMackowiak and Wiederholt (2009) "Optimal Sticky Prices Under Rational Inattention"
notesDeMarzo and Duffie (1999) "A Liquidity-Based Model of Security Design"
notes Grossman and Stiglitz (1980) "On the Impossibility of Informationally Efficient Markets"
notes Li, Rocheteau and Weill (2011)"Liquidity and the Threat of Fraudulent Assets" notesHopenhayn and Nicolini (1997, 2009)"Optimal Unemployment Insurance"
Gertler & Midrigan Reading Group (NYU, 2010-2011)
slidesMartin and Ventura (2010) "Technical Notes on Bubbles and the Current Crisis" slidesMaio and Wang (2011)"Bubbles and Credit Constraints"