Everyone is welcome to browse and use my materials as long as you mention the source and do not develop them commercially. Much of this notes are built on the hard work of my teachers and colleagues. All remaining errors are mine. The notes are based on Blanchard, Amighini and Giavazzi (2013) "Macroeconomics: A European Perspective". Special thanks to Davide Debortoli for sharing his materials that are the basis for these notes.
Part II Expectations Lecture 6 Financial Markets and Expectations I: Present Discounted Value Lecture 7 Financial Markets and Expectations II: Bond Pricing and Yield Curve Lecture 8 Financial Markets and Expectations III: Stock Markets Lecture 9 New Theories of Consumption and Investment Lecture 10 Expectations, Output and Policy
Part III Economic Policies Lecture 11 Role of Policy Intervention Lecture 12 The Financial Crisis and the Great Recession Lecture 13 Fiscal and Monetary Responses to Crisis Lecture 14 Government Debt Dynamics Lecture 15 Policy Rules