Castells –a Catalonian word that means castles– are a cultural phenomenon particular to Catalonia and consist of erecting human towers. This tradition originated at the end of the 18th century in Valls, Tarragona, when rival groups of people called colles, began to compete in constructing the different kinds of human towers that we recognise nowadays.
There are three definite parts to a castle; the pinya or base the tronc or trunk and the pom de dalt or the crown of the castle.
La Castanyada (Nov 1)
La Castanyada és una festa popular celebrat al dia de Tots Sants. Hi ha tres dolços que es mengen en aquesta festa: panellets, castanyes i moniatos.
Panellets or "little breads" are round balls made of almond marzipan and covered with pine nuts. You can also find them in other shapes and covers, such as chocolate or coconut.
La figura de la castanyera és el símbol d'aquesta celebració.
Castanyes i Monyatos
Temps de flors a Girona (Maig)
Temps de flors és una exposició de flors que es celebra cada Maig a Girona des del 1954. Tot el centre de la ciutat s'omple de flors i colors, i a més s'obren patis i jardins privats espectaculars. Hi ha moltíssima gent per tot arreu!